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Kontaktdaten bzw. Impressum
SLOXX - Assembler-Jump'n'Run aus meiner Jugend
SLOXX - Quellen
Ylvis-Patch for NetHack, Credits to Ylvis
Dual-Amulet-Patch for Ettins for NetHack 3.4.3, no Credits taken
Dual-Amulet-Patch for Ettins for NetHack4, Credits to ais523
,,Spicker''-Cheat-Patch for DopeWars, Credits to all Authors
Minus-Channels-Patch for ircd
Idle-Kick-Command-Patch for the UNO-Game in Ruby-rbot
Savestates-Patch for DOSBox SVN r4132
,,Honeypot''-Patch for xtrlock 2.8
Patch for Wine-6.18-gde7adacedbdd78fd1ed8ee0986a78670e11a60bc to fix Error found with Valgrind
Linux-4k-Intro von der Evoke 2005
Vortragstranskript "Computer- und Internetsucht"
Vortragstranskript "Schlafstoerungen"
Vortragstranskript "Neuropsychologie"
Unser Psychose-Echtzeit-Chat
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